Reverend Dutton Lane
I was able to find a great deal of information from researchers and publications on Reverend Dutton Lane. First, I have two alternate birth dates. The first birthdate July 15, 1730 comes from an extract of the "Maryland, U.S., Births and Christenings Index, 1662-1911" which shows that he was christened at the St. Paul Protestant Church in Maryland. He was the son of Richard Lane and Sarah (Fuller) Lane. The second birthdate, November 12, 1732 comes from William Cathcart's Baptist Encyclopedia 1881 entry.
Dutton Lane married Elizabeth Oaks in 1758 in Pittsylvania, Virginia. William Cathcart in his Baptist Encyclopedia (1881) details biographical sketches of important Baptist luminaries, such as Charles Spurgeon and John Bunyan. Cathcort states, "He was baptized by Shubel Sterns in 1758, and ordained to the ministry in October 1764.
Below are documents regarding Reverend Dutton Lane
William Cathcart, Baptist Encyclopedia Preface
William Cathcart, Dutton Lane entry
Robert Baylor Semple, History of the Baptists in Virginia
Rev. Richard B. Cook - Story of the Baptists
Webpage Links
Doug Hammett's Baptist Cameo of Dutton Lane
Lord's Baptist Church, Tacoma, Washington - Reference to Dutton Lane being part of the Traveling Church